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Care for Combination Skin

Caring for combination skin type is quite difficult as the balance between the two skin types has to be maintained. There are several ways to combat this problem and bring a balance between the two.

1) Always make use of milder cleanser such as deep pore cleanser on the whole face and neck. This helps in keeping the oily T-zone clean and clear. Follow with this twice a day to come up with better results.

2) The dry areas need a good moisturizer, as these are known to stimulate the water penetration into the skin or it also works to decrease the rate at which the water evaporates from the surface of the skin. If the hydration is not enough, choose those lotions having silicone oils in them. This would help you moisturize your face without any feeling of extra oiliness and it is also light to use.

3) A toner which is free of alcohol should be used on the oily areas to prevent the shining of the central panel of the face. But make sure that you do not use it in the dry areas.

4) Exfoliate the skin so as to get a new and fresher look. While performing it check out the oilier areas more such as the nose, chin and even the forehead. The recommended mask for a combination skin is a gel mask. Otherwise you can prefer a clay mask for the oily areas such as forehead, chin and nose and a cream mask for dry areas which includes cheeks.

5) On oily areas always prefer oil-absorbing make up as this would surely control the shine.

6) Depend on a sunscreen whenever you step out and use those having
a minimum of 15 SPF.